
2025 Walls of Honor

The ESU Veterans Walls of Honor Project is now putting the 2025 list together. In short, 40 names will go on a stainless steel panel which will be mounted on a wall inside  Eisenhower Park located in Nassau County, NY, Currently there are 3 panels exclusively with the names of ESU Veterans inscribed on them. We are trying for a 4th.

This year brings a change to the process. To have a name inscribed, the Veteran must have a connection to Nassau County: born or lives/lived in the county. We have until the end of February to submit the next 40 names. If you want to sponsor a Veteran, yourself or someone else, and for instructions and to read about the project, and a link to the application, 


For non ESU REMA members that wish to partake, you too can submit an application and a name will be placed near the ESU panel. This is open to all current or retired Vets, living or deceased, from any era. When you submit an application, write REMA on top of the form. If you have any questions, drop us a line. 

The REMA website will update the 2025 list as the names come inCLICK HERE after submitting an application so we know that you did.


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