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rema meeting
OCTOber 13, 2022
A regional REMA meeting was held on Staten Island on October 13th. It was a nice crowd that attended; we even had a quartet from the ‘north’ make the drive. “It was worth the drive” we think we heard them shout as they headed home. They, along with two dozen others, enjoyed a very tasty barbecue lunch that consisted of burgers, hot dogs, sausages, chicken and salads. Thanks to chef Ken and his very capable sous chef Tom, for the awesome job of cooking.
All members of REMA should be happy to know that the October 13th, REMA Barbeque at the Knights of Columbus Hall was a true “Ten-Thirteen” because of the tremendous back-up put forth by Tommy Sullivan and Kenny Richardson. These two E-Men, have become REMA’s Staten Island champions in demonstrating how our REMA family has grown and expanded our reach to more and more regional events. Job well done I say and the food they brought and prepared tasted like it came right out of the deep south.
We are all grateful for this outstanding REMA-TEAM participation.
Al Baker.
Until the next meeting, enjoy the pictures.